

1.24 — the most insane update in the history of iOS gaming.

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Which is why I will be taking a 2-4 week leave from this game until it gets sorted out.

Goodbye. Goodluck.

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  1. Ice's Avatar
    Noooo! Narziss!!
  2. Espekayen2's Avatar
    I think I'll be doing the same.
  3. autumnleaf's Avatar
    i will not be doing the same, been gone for a week and need my fix.
  4. Reality's Avatar
    ...What's insane about it?
  5. danae's Avatar
    I guess the 2-4 week leave is over based on your forum posts? Seems like you're back playing. Admit it you're an SE junkie like autumnleaf. LOL
  6. autumnleaf's Avatar
    i basically stopped playing after my post. still post in the forum, just not pvp'ing.