
The Lizard Memoirs

  1. New Deck Till 1.29 Ends

    So I was strolling around on the forums the other day and ran across Kent's 310 Amber Deck. I looked at it and was like, "wow....this looks fun to play."

    After studying it for a little bit I decide to build a deck based around Amber, just to see how she plays. Keep in mind I have never played a Warrior deck until now. The build went smooth, picked some good cards that I though worked well together. I go to test it and BLAM win after win. Of course I have a few losses ...
  2. 1.29 Gwen Deck

    1.29 is close to ending, but I sitll want to post my dream deck for Gwen. I'm still new and haven't been able to get the cards needed yet.

    Updated 01-16-2012 at 05:10 PM by Lizardjam
